Commodity Tracking

by Ternpoint Solutions LP

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Commodity tracking enables the recording of contracts and receipt of commodities by truck or Pallet

Allows for recording of commodity contracts to track the contracted quantity over a time period and crop year. From a commodity contract a receipt can be created or a receipt created and linked to a contract. On the commodity receipt commodity containers(s) in and out can be recorded and the net weight of the commodity calculated. Weights can be recorded by truck or by pallet (if no truck scale is present) and truck and packaging tared from the inbound weight.

Why would you want to track Commodities?

Maintaining the traceability of commodities, contracted amounts, and containers is critical when receiving commodities from growers.

  • Ensure that commodities are tracked to an established contract, with start and end dates.

  • Record and monitor processor-owned commodity containers.

  • Use commodity container tare weights to establish a true commodity weight.

  • Auto-assign lots on commodity receipts.

  • Track crop year to the ledger for additional reporting.

Ready to receive Commodities? 

Select ‘Get it Now’ for access to TPS Commodity Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.  Contact us at Ternpoint Solutions to learn more about this app – as well as our other products for Accounting and Business Central.  

Supported Editions  

This app supports the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.  

Supported Countries  

United States, Canada  

Supported Languages  


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